How To Contact Lotus Bank Using Lotus Bank Customer Care Number

How To Contact Lotus Bank Using Lotus Bank Customer Care Number

Are you in search of lotus bank customer care number to help you contact lotus bank? If yes, then this article is definitely for you.

Lotus bank has provided their customers with multiple channels that will help them to access them.

In this article, we have taken our time to provide you with those channels that will help you contact Lotus bank customer care support team.

Benefits of Lotus Bank Customer Care Number

  • 24/7 access to Lots customer care service.
  • Open dormant account
  • Open a new account
  • Make inquiries on online banking
  • Make inquiries on Lotus mobile app
  • Reactivate your account
  • Request for account statement
  • Block ATM card.
  • Report dispense error

How To Contact Lotus Bank

Just like we said earlier on, Lotus bank has provided multiple ways in which you can contact their customer care.

These methods include;

  • Through Lotus Bank Customer Care Number
  • Through Lotus Bank Customer Care Email
  • Through Lotus Bank Customer Care Social media Channels

Let us briefly explain how you can make use of these methods.

How To Contact Lotus Bank Customer Care Through Lotus Bank Customer Care Number

One of the major ways you can contact Lotus bank customer support is through their customer care number.

The good thing about this feature is that they are always available, this implies that you can contact them at any point in time.

All you need to do is to dial this number on your mobile device;

0700 56887 2265 (0700 LOTUS BANK)

Once you have done so, then narrate to them what the problem is and it will be solved.


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How To Contact Lotus Bank Customer Care Through Lotus Bank Customer Care Email

You can also contact Lotus bank customer care support team through their customer email.

You just need to send your complaint to the following email address;

Please note: when sending an email to this address, make sure you include your account number and a screenshot of what the problem may be, to help in easy identification and problem solving.

Response may take up to 24 hours, but be rest assured that the problem will be solved.

How To Contact Lotus Bank Customer Through Lotus Bank Customer Care Social media Channels

You can also contact Lotus bank customer support team through their social media handles.

You can contact them through the following handles;

Twitter: @Lotusbank

Facebook: Lotus Bank

Instagram: @Lotusbank


FAQs on How To Contact Lotus Bank Using Lotus Bank Customer Care Number

Can i contact lotus bank on social media?

Yes you can. You just need to follow the above steps and you will be able to contact them.

Does Lotus bank have a whatsapp number?

For now Lotus bank does not have a whatsapp number, but with time they will definitely have.

How can i contact lotus bank customer care?

To contact lotus customer care, you just need to choose from the above methods and then follow the steps to contact lotus customer care support team.



With the above article, contacting lotus bank customer support team has been made easy.

Feel free to ask your questions in the comment section below.


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